Shu Omi’s Writing Inbox in Notion

Mary Seph
2 min readJul 13, 2020


Shu Omi’s Writing Inbox in Notion: link to— Home Page, linked databases — Research Topic, Quick Capture, & Resonance Calendar

As I was taking some notes about Shu Omi’s Writing Inbox in Roam, I got the idea to try it out in Notion to understand his workflow better. It’s the first time I have tried recreating a page on Roam in Notion but I’m pretty happy with the result. Following is a short explanation of the creation of this template.

  • Blocks used/create linked database &/link to page
  1. Home Page
  • /link to page
  • Purpose: Direct link back to Home Page
  • Original page location: Main private page

2. Quick Capture

  • /create linked database
  • Purpose: Web clipper (website) & Share (Notion app) drop off
  • Original page location: Writing inbox — if successful, it will be an original — not linked — database

3. Research Topics

  • /create linked database
  • Purpose: Table where topics of interest are written down
  • Note: Filtered for In Progress and Waiting categories
  • Original page location: Zettelkasten

4. Resonance Calendar

  • /create linked database
  • Purpose: Ali Abdaal Resonance Calendar for content storage
  • Note: Filtered for Waiting & In Progress in Zettel Status category
  • Original page location: Database List

I’m looking forward to use this template in the next few weeks. As all of the items in the template come from other databases, there’s very little risk of altering the main databases.

Feel free to drop any questions. Thank you for reading and see you in the next post!



Mary Seph

Green-living | Productivity | Eco-minimalism They/them. 🌲 🌲